Senin, 02 September 2013

Editing Undergraduate Student's Abstract on IT

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Please follow this link (.pdf, 107KB).

Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

Case Study: A Copywriting Skill that Matters

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Please follow this link (.pdf, 132KB).

Minggu, 07 April 2013

Editing Other Student's Work - Critical Review

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Please follow this link (.pdf, 103KB).

Selasa, 02 April 2013

Why Scientists Are Annoyed

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Commercial journal needs more attention as the money may not be ploughed back into science or education, but the shareholders.

(Open access: The true cost of science publishing on Nature, 2013)

Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Editing - HBR - Syntax

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Subject + decide + not + to + verb

By applying the aforementioned formula, the sentence should be, "You decide not to say anything ..."
Where possible, according to English traditional grammar, keep the 'to' next to the 'verb' to avoid split infinitive.


“I Decided Not to Continue/I Decided to Not to Continue.” Word Reference. vBulletin Solutions, Inc. 18 Feb. 2007. Web. 31 Mar. 2013.
“To Decide Not to Do or Have Something.” Macmillan Dictionary. Macmillan Publishers Limited. n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2013.
“Deciding Not to Decide Gay Marriage.” New York Times, the. Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. 25 Mar. 2013. Web. 31 Mar. 2013.

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Bill Gates' Sexist Quote, "Neutralized"

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Content is king.
Content is queen.
Content is queer.

Proofreading - Huffington Post - Capitalization

Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

RIP Achebe!

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"If you don't like someone's story, you write your own."

(Chinua Achebe via Huffington Post Books, 2013)

As Writing Is a Translated Discourse of Speech

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"Writers don’t need tricks or gimmicks or even necessarily need to be the smartest fellows on
the block."

(Raymond Carver on Literary Jukebox, 2013)

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

New Mistake Everyday - Syntax

There is a grammatical error in the following sentence, "I have been trying to solve the problems since last night, however, I still can't find the proper code to run the simulation well."

Can you find it? :D

It should be, "I have been trying to solve the problems since last night, however, I can't still find the proper code to run the simulation well."

About Design

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Design is also about creating opportunities.

(Aranda\Lasch via The Creators Project on Youtube, 2013)

Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

Like Herbalism. Sorry, Ethnobotany. Err, Pharmacognosy Perhaps? OK, Forget It!

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I think that Eastern medicine has
a great potential as the Western. Some of them are just less documented therefore less tested. Sometimes, they are just scattered with linguistic variance.

Bayang-Bayang Tanpa Tuan

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Tinggal di Palestina berarti menjadi bayang-bayang dari diri sendiri. Hanya saja, saya tidak bisa mengisi bayang-bayang tersebut dengan kehidupan.

(Remaja Palestina via Lancet, 2013)

A Half-Step Ahead

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The first teaching for my son would be rather how to make him interested to read than how to spell ABC.

Kata Teman

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Menjalin pertemanan itu ibarat mengelola kosakata. Terkadang, yang asing terasa dekat, sementara yang serapan terasa asing.

Age-old Problem

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Coffee was my manna until
a symptom woke me up to imbalance hormone.


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Separating marketing from strategy is kind of soliciting handwritten typography to submit divorce plea for calligraphy.

(vid. Roger Martin via HBR, 2013)

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Kutipan dari "The New Black Swindler"

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"Kakek sialan, karena informasi yang diberikan tidak lengkap, saya jadi berpikiran negatif."


Nice Try. No.

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A: Why did Vatican type in Comic Sans?
B: To increase legibility.

Selasa, 12 Maret 2013


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Rye bread is Finnish rice.

Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Copywriter This Day

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Sure, I think that formula
'stop + gerund' is persuasive.

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Home of the Future

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Bohemian home without plants is infant Jesus blackmailing Gypsy.

Dynamique du Langage

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As language is dynamic, consistency is a mere fantasy.


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Collectivism camouflages vibrant individuals with dullness.

Hak dalam Berpihak

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Tidak memihak adalah keberpihakan.

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Menerjemahkan Keindahan

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"Penerjemahan itu ibarat wanita. Apabila indah, maka ia tidak dapat dipercaya. Apabila dapat dipercaya, maka ia tidak indah."

(Yevgeny Yevtushenko)

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

New Mistake Everyday - Conjuction - As and If

Yesterday, I tweeted, "29 new universities have just participated @coursera! I might be browsing the new classes offered as the web is not down."

There are two ways to revise my sentence, namely:

  1. Twenty nine new universities have just participated @coursera! I might be browsing the new classes offered if the web were not down.
  2. Twenty nine new universities have just participated @coursera! I will be browsing the new classes offered as the web is not down.

Can you tell the difference?

Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

New Mistake Everyday - Prefix - Mid-

Will you consider 'midtest' as an acceptable term? Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Dictionary, 5th Edition does not. It should be 'midterm test'.

New Mistake Everyday - Preposition - The Missing 'at'

A couple days ago I watched a documentary entitled "TPB AFK", that is an acronym for "The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard". I found that the movie was inviting and therefore I checked out the official website of Pirate Parties International in which the movie features. On the website, I acknowledged that the party is looking for a volunteer. Like ships that pass in the night, I sent my resume with a link to my LinkedIn profile.

When I logged on to my LinkedIn account today, I noticed that the Co-Chairman just clicked the link. Having ants in my pants, I tweeted, "My profile has been checked out by the Co-Chairman Pirate Parties International. He used Comic Sans for his presentation. OMG! That's a sin!" Can you figure out my mistake? Yes, there is no preposition between the position and the company. Hence, it should be written as follows, "My profile has been checked out by the Co-Chairman at Pirate Parties International. He used Comic Sans for his presentation. OMG! That's a sin!"

By the way, why did I use 'at' instead of 'in'? Can you guess? :D

New Mistake Everyday - Word Choice - Writer and Known

Yesterday, I made a comment on the legal case submitted by Andrea Hirata via Twitter. I said to my friend, "I think I know the writer. He is also known as a senior copywriter in a multinational ad agency." At the moment, I feel that my sentence was amateurish. Could this sentence be a primo revision, "I think I know the author. He is also recognized as a senior copywriter in a multinational ad agency."?